Greetings and a warm welcome to Sir Madanlal Group of Institution (SMGI) website. Whether you are a SMGI student, faculty, alumni, friend or supporter, we hope you will enjoy visiting SMGI website, if you have stumbled across this website; we would be glad to hear from you and would certainly like to let you know what SMGI as all about.
This group was built with timeless vision of Late Shri.MadanlalJiYadav whose heart beat for the economically weaker section of this area. He was a man with his Heart for Poor and Eyes for Future; he had the foresight and vision that education could be the most potent tool in uplifting the lives of millions of have-nots of economically and socially backward regions.Theinstitutionfor technical and professional education is of more recent origin and was a born and vision of our honourable chairman, Mr.VivekYadavYadav in 2006.
No institution in the world has ever succeeded without soul. The soul of an institution is its academic ambience; the competence of faculty and the systems through which the academic programme is delivered. The soul of an institution can neither be seen nor is it visible, but it can be felt and experienced. I invite you to experience this soul and participate in learning methodology adopted by SMGI and secure a future direction in your life.
The decision that you take today, will definitely be a turning point in your life and we assure that you would leave this institution feeling proud that you have experienced learning which has made you a thorough professional, a well informed and an ethical human being.
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